Five Childproofing Hacks For Your Home

Five Childproofing Hacks For Your Home

Having a small kid or toddlers around the house requires an extra amount of caution. When the very home environment exposes them to so many unexpected risks, it really does count to pay attention.

Here are five great childproofing hacks to help you add that much needed layer of safety at home for your little ones:

  1. Cushion sharp edges

Table and cabinet edges may pose potential harm to your playful toddlers. Be proactive in preventing any accidents from happening by putting a cushion lining along the edges of your glass coffee table or any suspicious furniture protrusions that they might hit themselves with.

  1. Use rubber bands to keep cabinets closed

Toddlers are very fond of turning knobs and opening doors, often leading to some very regrettable consequences. Prevent accidents that may come with their tinkering without foiling their exploring habits with this simple life hack tool: rubber bands. You can use hair ties to tie adjacent cabinet handles or knobs together, especially when they contain hazardous materials.

  1. Scope territory

Get down on your knees, approximating your child’s eye view. This way, you will know which places around the house are accessible and within their reach. Knowing this, you will know which to place where and what safety risks need to be mitigated.

  1. Secure furniture

Toddlers like pulling things – the table, the curtain tassels, your hair – especially by the time they learn to stand up. This makes furnitures potential hazards. When a simple tug can knock the shelf down along with the glassware on it, you need to rethink how secure they should be. Fix them to walls or rearrange your decoratives, make sure your superbaby’s strength would be no match to their structural in-placeness.

  1. Keep a master file of your circle of trusts

Do you need to go to an emergency at work and need a reliable baby sitter? Lost your toddler in the park and don’t know what to do? In these kinds of situations, it pays to know who to call. Keep an updated and reliable contact list of the people you trust, including child care centers, baby sitters, teachers, relatives, and emergency hotlines.

Practice these tips and keep your peace of mind.